Monday, April 18, 2011

The website lives!

We've officially completed our first co-task! We sat down, went through all the templates on, picked one out, and have the teeny tiny rudiments of a wedding website.

Also, welcome! This blog? Officially and entirely completely about wedding shit. It will all be this trivial, silly, self-absorbed, and childish. I make no excuses. There will, occasionally, be a contemplative post or two around here, but the vast majority of it is going to be the lightest and fluffiest of posts. Enjoy.

There will also be frequent use of the word "motherfucker."

Anyway, during a mid-morning loll in bed on Saturday, I expressed a desire to Nate to go through some of the free templates on and set up a website (or, as it's called on the scene, a "wedsite." One of probably thousands of twee and precious bits of nuptial jargon I simultaneously squee over and am annoyed by.) We didn't end up gettin' 'er done on Saturday (there were more important things to do, like the co-op mode of Super Smash Bros. Brawl), and Sunday morning I woke up marginally hung over from a friend's fundraising party and had a sudden conflagration of real life (you're having your baby WHEN?! shit, I'd better do my taxes! and pack a bag! and clean EVERYTHING!), so when Nate got home from fighter practice and we'd chilled out for an hour or two, I suggested that we go through the templates and pick out something we liked.

I'd actually been putting off asking him to help with the website, because I know he has limited patience for the minutiae. Don't get me wrong, Nate's all excited about the weddingness, but he's more interested in the party, having all our friends together, and (durrr) being married at the end of it than he is in what template we use on our website. ;)

I, however, am into the nitty-gritty--making the journey as pleasant and memorable as the destination. That's why my entire occupation is about, so it makes sense that I'd be interested in colors and templates and themes and shit, whereas his entire occupation is about the finished product, and making the finished product as high-quality as possible, as efficiently as possible. We have the same goal, but different methods of getting there.

Of course, I can know all this in my gut, but in my head, where the scary voices live, somebody suggested that Nate's less interested than I am in this wedding because he's done all this before--this is his second marriage, and my first, so of course all the excitement and squee and prep and happiness is going to be less powerful for him than it is for me, right? I'm just some silly kid who's stoked about a silly wedding, whereas he's a seasoned and experienced Marriage Professional and knows better.

So, of course, as soon as my brain weasels started up with this, I mentioned it to Nate. His response was, thankfully:

"Dude, I wasn't interested in this part the first time around, either."

Phew. Weasel smashed by fiance's blatant heterosexuality. Moving right along.

So we took an hour or so, looked at all the templates on (all NINE PAGES of them, he's a very patient man), narrowed them down into our top ten, narrowed them down into our top five, and ended up with three. We ordered them from favorite to least favorite, and while our leasts and middles weren't the same, we both liked the same template best of all. :) Done.

It made me really happy that he was willing to sit down and go through the process with me. It reassured me that even if he isn't as interested as I am, he's willing to provide input and opinions, and really, he got such positive feedback from me, he said "So what else can we decide?" as soon as we were done. ;)

Oh, and I picked my ring up on Friday! It's still a little loose, but I figure I'll either move it onto my right hand, which has larger fingers, once we get hitched, or I'll sandwich it into place with a wedding band. I've never been enamored of wedding band/engagement ring sets, but I'm flexible. Really, I like being able to feel it on my hand and I like being able to take it off easily to cook or wash my hands or whatever. Yay!

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