Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So people talk about weird shit when you mention being engaged.

Nate and I are in St. Paul's Episcopal church, picking up our weekly CSA box, and we meet up with a coworker of mine, Bill. He manages the organic farm where the CSA food is grown and is basically a priest-in-training at the church. He's a very chill, laid back kind of guy, and the church is very liberal, so I actually enjoy talking with him about his faith and the process of learning to be a priest.

So we're there in the church hall, chatting with Bill, and in comes a small, brown-haired woman who was probably in her mid-forties. She and Bill hug, Bill introduces me and Nate as CSA subscribers and mentions that we're recently engaged.

"Oh, really?" she beams up at us. "Okay, one word of advice from an old married person?" And here she steps back and looks at each of us. "There's you? And there's you. And?" She looks up at the roof of the hall. "There's God."

She points at each of us and up at the ceiling, then roughly sketches the sign of the cross. "You here? And God in the middle. You just leave room between you. For God."

Nate and I looked at each other. We're all for God and all, but probably in a different way than she imagined. We finally said "Uh, yeah! Will do!"

When we got home, Nate suggested we keep communication between us instead.

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